Project Proposal
For this project, I would be looking more on the psychological aspects of the gaming world on it’s players, especially in a world where the mind plays a valuable role in our decision making, we have to watch out for what we feed our minds and how this certain brain food affects the psychology of our thinking and our everyday lives, surveys would be taken to asses both genders and understand how it affects us, maybe different across genders, or even from different cultures and there ways of life how these video games would affect there upbrings as youths. This is a necessary topic especially in today’s world with the pandemic and how everyone has to be inside all the time. However the online world since it first came to be has always been a space for communication and interactions, understanding what type of interactions take place would be necessary in other to fixes some of the growing issues.
Various questions would be asked on this topic(Psychological aspects of Gaming)
- Whether excessive gaming is related to positive or negative emotions
- How does gender play a role in the gaming community
- Is excessive gaming a coping strategy for many gamers
- And how can we move forward to better improve the psychosis of excessive gaming
other major topics would include
the toxisity of gaming on your mental health